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Amazon S3

Setting up the S3 source connector involves creating a read-only S3 user and configuring the S3 connector through the Fabriq UI.


This page contains the setup guide and reference information for the Amazon S3 source connector.

Full Refresh SyncYes
Incremental Syncyes
Replicate Incremental DeletesNo

Path Patterns

This connector can sync multiple files by using glob-style patterns, rather than requiring a specific path for every file. This enables:

  • Referencing many files with just one pattern, e.g. ** would indicate every file in the bucket.
  • Referencing future files that don't exist yet (and therefore don't have a specific path).

You must provide a path pattern. You can also provide many patterns split with | for more complex directory layouts.

Each path pattern is a reference from the root of the bucket, so don't include the bucket name in the pattern(s).

Some example patterns:

  • ** : match everything.
  • */.csv : match all files with specific extension.
  • myFolder/*/.csv : match all csv files anywhere under myFolder.
  • */** : match everything at least one folder deep.
  • */prefix.csv : match all csv files with specific prefix.
  • */prefix.parquet : match all parquet files with specific prefix.
  • Let's look at a specific example, matching the following bucket layout:


S3 Image

  • File Name - Pick a name to help you identify this source in Fabriq.
  • Bucket URL - Name of the S3 bucket where the file(s) exist.
  • Bucket Region - Region of the S3 bucket account exist.
  • Access Key Id - In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this connector requires credentials with the proper permissions.
  • Secret Access Key - In order to access private Buckets stored on AWS S3, this connector requires credentials with the proper permissions.
  • Path Prefix - By providing a path-like prefix (e.g. myFolder/thisTable/) under which all the relevant files sit, we can optimize finding these in S3. This is optional but recommended if your bucket contains many folders/files which you don't need to replicate.
  • File Format
  • Unique Key - Unique key id in your csv file which help us to get the data.
  • After entering the details & click continue.