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Authors Page

This document provides details about various article metrics for authors. The metrics are categorized based on daily, hourly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly periods.

Parameter Table

The parameter table outlines the key parameters required for querying article metrics data. It specifies the date range, available metrics, and dimensions that can be used to analyze the data.

date_startstring, the beginning of the period you want to get the data for in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
date_endstring, the end of the period you want to get the data for in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
metricsList of metrics that will be returned in the response. Available metrics are listed below.
dimensionsArray of {type: dimensionType} objects. The data of the metric can be split by a specific dimension.

Authors Metrics

Authors Daily Metrics

This section provides daily metrics for authors, allowing us to analyze how authors' content performs on a daily basis.

NameDimensionsAggregationMetric Description
authors_daily_page_viewssite_id, author, period_datesumTotal page views by authors for each day.
authors_daily_userssite_id, author, period_datecountTotal count of users (distinct domain_userid) by authors for each day.
authors_daily_attention_timesite_id, author, period_datesumTotal attention time (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each day.
authors_daily_total_time_spentsite_id, author, period_datesumTotal time spent (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each day.
authors_daily_avg_time_spentsite_id, author, period_dateavgAverage time spent (engaged_time_in_s) per user by authors for each day.
authors_daily_source_distsite_id, author, period_date, referrersumSource distribution of users by authors for each day.
authors_daily_medium_distsite_id, author, period_date, referrersumMedium distribution of users by authors for each day.
authors_daily_country_distsite_id, author, period_date, countrysumCountry distribution of users by authors for each day.
authors_daily_exit_page_distsite_id, author, period_date, exit_pagesumExit page distribution of users by authors for each day.

Authors Hourly Metrics

This section presents hourly metrics for authors, allowing us to observe how article performance varies throughout the day.

NameDimensionsAggregationMetric Description
authors_hourly_page_viewssite_id, author, period_date, period_hoursumTotal page views by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_userssite_id, author, period_date, period_hourcountTotal count of users (distinct domain_userid) by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_attention_timesite_id, author, period_date, period_hoursumTotal attention time (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_total_time_spentsite_id, author, period_date, period_hoursumTotal time spent (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_avg_time_spentsite_id, author, period_date, period_houravgAverage time spent (engaged_time_in_s) per user by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_source_distsite_id, author, period_date, period_hour, referrersumSource distribution of users by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_medium_distsite_id, author, period_date, period_hour, referrersumMedium distribution of users by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_country_distsite_id, author, period_date, period_hour, countrysumCountry distribution of users by authors for each hour.
authors_hourly_exit_page_distsite_id, author, period_date, period_hour, exit_pagesumExit page distribution of users by authors for each hour.

Authors Monthly Metrics

Monthly metrics provide a broader view of authors' performance over time. We can analyze trends, seasonal variations, and long-term user engagement patterns.

NameDimensionsAggregationMetric Description
authors_monthly_page_viewssite_id, author, period_year, period_monthsumTotal page views by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_userssite_id, author, period_year, period_monthcountTotal count of users (distinct domain_userid) by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_attention_timesite_id, author, period_year, period_monthsumTotal attention time (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_total_time_spentsite_id, author, period_year, period_monthsumTotal time spent (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_avg_time_spentsite_id, author, period_year, period_monthavgAverage time spent (engaged_time_in_s) per user by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_source_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_month, referrersumSource distribution of users by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_medium_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_month, referrersumMedium distribution of users by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_country_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_month, countrysumCountry distribution of users by authors for each month.
authors_monthly_exit_page_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_month, exit_pagesumExit page distribution of users by authors for each month.

Authors Quarterly Metrics

This section provides quarterly metrics, enabling us to analyze authors' performance on a broader scale, capturing trends and long-term user engagement patterns.

NameDimensionsAggregationMetric Description
authors_quarterly_page_viewssite_id, author, period_year, period_quartersumTotal page views by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_userssite_id, author, period_year, period_quartercountTotal count of users (distinct domain_userid) by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_attention_timesite_id, author, period_year, period_quartersumTotal attention time (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_total_time_spentsite_id, author, period_year, period_quartersumTotal time spent (engaged_time_in_s) by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_avg_time_spentsite_id, author, period_year, period_quarteravgAverage time spent (engaged_time_in_s) per user by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_source_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_quarter, referrersumSource distribution of users by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_medium_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_quarter, referrersumMedium distribution of users by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_country_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_quarter, countrysumCountry distribution of users by authors for each quarter.
authors_quarterly_exit_page_distsite_id, author, period_year, period_quarter, exit_pagesumExit page distribution of users by authors for each quarter.

Authors Yearly Metrics

Yearly metrics provide a high-level overview of authors' performance across each year. This enables us to identify long-term trends and changes in user engagement.

NameDimensionsAggregationMetric Description
authors_yearly_page_viewssite_id, author, period_yearsumTotal page views by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_userssite_id, author, period_yearcountTotal count of users by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_attention_timesite_id, author, period_yearsumTotal attention time by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_total_time_spentsite_id, author, period_yearsumTotal time spent by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_avg_time_spentsite_id, author, period_yearavgAverage time spent per user by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_source_distsite_id, author, period_year, referrersumSource distribution of users by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_medium_distsite_id, author, period_year, referrersumMedium distribution of users by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_country_distsite_id, author, period_year, countrysumCountry distribution of users by authors for each year.
authors_yearly_exit_page_distsite_id, author, period_year, exit_pagesumExit page distribution of users by authors for each year.